Welcome to KLT Express Workout #1.
KLT Express Workouts offer you and your clients a balanced, functional strength training workout that can be completed when one is conscious of restricting the volume of training being performed, or when one is simply looking for a time-efficient resistance training session. All KLT Express workouts are designed to be completed in 20 minutes or less.
The workout is ideal for training with resistance bands at home but could also be a great choice using cables at the gym.
Learning Objectives
Your objectives for this course are to:
- Learn how to correctly perform 4 KLT exercises.
- The four full-body exercises (upper body movements combined with various lower body actions) to learn are:
- Posterior Pull + Split Squat
- Anterior Push + Double-Leg Squat
- Opening Arc + Weight-Shifting Squat
- Closing Arc + Anterior Lunge
- Determine the level of intensity that suits you for each exercise.
- Develop a good level of co-ordination and confidence.
- Combine the four exercises you have learned into one workout – KLT Express Workout #1.
Remember to take your time with carefully studying the correct performance of the 4 exercises taught in the videos that follow in the next few lessons.
Do I need Any Special Equipment?
All exercises taught in our Introductory Workout can be performed at home or outside or in a gym. All that is needed to successfully perform this workout is a few resistance bands. However, if you do have access to a gym (or training studio) with cable equipment (pulleys), this is a bonus as it will more easily allow for progression of load.

Home Training - Resistance Bands
Ideally one lighter band + one heavier band, with a secure mid (chest level) anchor point.