Exercise 1:
Posterior Pull SA & REC Reach / Mid-Band 0° + Split Squat (P)

Start the exercise by descending into a partial (P) split squat.
The posterior pull involves flexing the elbow against the resistance of the band (or cable) in a posterior direction. In this exercise the other (un-loaded) arm performs a reciprocal anterior reaching action.
The split squat is performed with one foot forward and one foot back with feet well separated through the sagittal (front to back) plane. As the front leg descends into hip, knee and ankle flexion, the rear leg moves into hip extension. In this exercise, two-thirds of the body-weight is over the front foot and you should stay up on your toes on the back foot (not letting your heel drop to the floor). You will performing the squat through a partial (P) range of motion.