Certified KLT Coaches
Personal Trainer and Owner of The Fit Shop Gyms. I have had the pleasure of learning and growing within the fitness industry for the past decade. My experience has lead me to specialising in fat loss for women, an area I am extremely passionate about.
Some credentials: Australian Personal Trainer of The Year Top 5 Finalist 2019, Master Rehab Trainer | Level 3 Kinetic Link Training Coach | Power lifting LV 1 | Boxing Trainer | Physique Coach | Qualified Neuro – Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner | Natural competitive body builder | Last but certainly not least, Husband & Father of 3.
I’m most passionate about helping people transform their life from the inside out. My simple approach to transformational change focuses on mindset, nutrition and functional training and bringing all these pieces of the puzzle together.
I contribute regularly to fitness magazines such as Oxygen and Mens Muscle and Health as well as other publications.