Certified KLT Coaches
Rowan is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, based at RM Physiology found within Fitness Cartel Aspley’s super-club. Rowan has worked extensively with a large variety of physical injuries and health conditions- beginning his career in functional rehabilitation; moving to an education and return to employment focus; then the occupation rehabilitation realm; finally, now back in the gym completing individualised exercise programs with clients. These natural progressions have led to Rowan’s passion and specialty of exercise for mental health conditions.
“The most common forms of feedback regarding KLT are related to its ‘transferability’ and the ‘slow tempo’ of movements. It’s very unusual these days to see exercise repetitions slowed down to snail speed, but this focus and control really allows the muscles to work overtime.”
Rowan enjoys TV shows and movies, video games and has a love-hate relationship with the rowing ergometer.