KLT on Wibbi
Deliver KLT direct to your clients
KLT have partnered with Wibbi to provide innovative, user-friendly technologies to create the ultimate exercise professional-client experience.
We make it easy to build your KLT exercise program in seconds, complete with beautifully designed instructional videos. Wibbi's software motivates your clients and improves outcomes, with tracking tools and insightful analytics.
Access all the exercises taught in the KLT Level One professional development course (plus Wibbi's large multi-disciplinary exercise library). All exercises are presented as high-quality, clear images and videos to help your clients appreciate correct technique. KLT exercises are available in either gym version or home version (which you can easily mix and match). The library also includes key teaching points (which can be edited to suit the individual client).

Contact Wayne Rodgersto start your free trial or add the KLT module to your Wibbi membership.
View KLT on Wibbi Website